Scaling for impact: community health as blueprint for a just future

The Beaufort-Jasper-Hampton Comprehensive Health Services in South Carolina is more than just a medical center — it’s an institution woven throughout the social fabric of the people it serves, connecting lives across racial, ethnic, socioeconomic, and generational lines. 

That’s due in large part to the vision of Dr. M. LaFrance Ferguson, the former Chief Medical Officer for BJH, who currently leads the hospital’s National Hypertension Control Initiative. Fifty years ago, she saw the opportunity to build something so much bigger than a medical center: a scalable blueprint for closing outcome gaps in health longevity and centering health equity. At the core of her approach to building equitable health longevity is a community-centered model that provides comprehensive, quality, and accessible health care for everyone — regardless of their ability to pay. 

Dr. Ferguson’s legacy isn’t just theoretical — it’s clear and measurable. Fifty years ago, when the center was built, Beaufort County had key health outcomes that were on par with some of the worst in the world. But ten years ago, Beaufort became the healthiest county in South Carolina — and has enjoyed that status for the last decade.

In partnership with AARP, NationSwell interviewed Dr. Ferguson about her work, her legacy, and what others who hope to advance health equity can learn from her. Here is what she had to say.

NationSwell: When did you know that you wanted to focus your life’s work on community health? Was there a moment in your childhood, professional journey, or any time at all?

I recall sitting in a room at our home, when I was eight years old, and having a conversation, but there was nobody else there. I said to myself, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” At first, I thought, “I want to be a nurse.” Then I said, “no, I want to be a doctor and I want to be in charge.” Then I wanted to have the best place in the city, the state — and then I said, no, the United States, then I said, no — in the world, and I wanted to work with the underserved. 

I just came to that realization, in the past couple of years because our new COO had us explain to the new hires why we do what we do. I remembered that conversation I had with myself. “What eight year old knows about the underserved?” she asked me. I thought about that myself.

I also wanted to come back home. I wanted to work with the underserved, and the National Health Service Corps was giving scholarships for underserved areas. I thought, “This is exactly what I want to do; my area is underserved.” So I got my education paid for, and that was that.

What makes Beaufort-Jasper-Hampton Comprehensive Health Services different from the average hospital?

The word comprehensive is key. They say it’s hard to be all things to all people, but when you serve a group of people and you know what they need, and you can make things accessible to them, you can do it. We’ve got a variety of services: family practice, adult care, pediatrics, OB, WIC services, and we have a pharmacy. We even have migrant care. We make it a one-stop shop for people. We provide patients with everything they could possibly need, making health care easier for them to access. That’s what makes a difference: being comprehensive.

We also have behavioral health services. Sometimes people in the community just need someone to talk to, or to air out their issues. Sometimes people may have behavioral changes, and these health services can make a difference, in young people’s lives and older people, especially for older people, who may be experiencing loneliness, or may not have anybody to talk to, when they experience losses. It’s important to have someone to help them, as well as social services. Many people don’t know how to navigate the healthcare system, so having someone to help them do it can make all the difference.

We even have school-based health because many children can’t get to the doctor after school. Parents leave home early and get back home late,so children can’t get seen for simple things. Since we’re at the school, we can see them. They don’t have to lose chair time. We provide dental services, nutrition, counseling — it’s a comprehensive thing.

We offer nutritional services because nutrition is a major part of keeping people healthy. We help people understand that what you eat and how much you eat, affects your overall health. Giving patients a breakdown of foods that are good for their health and substitutions for foods they enjoy that are not so good for their health, makes healthy eating more convenient and accessible.

What are the health needs of the communities you serve? How does it help to meet those needs, and bring the community together?

At the inception of the organization, we had two big problems: One was the infant mortality rate. We had an infant mortality rate on par with third world countries – over 20%. We’ve brought this percentage down to the single digits by making two major changes: 1) providing prenatal care and the same high quality of healthcare to all pregnant patients, regardless of whether they were insured or not, 2) offering nutritional counseling to address the large number of parasitic infections found in children. 

The health status in Beaufort county was very poor. It takes 40 years to change a generation. We’ve been here 50 years, and in the past 10 years, this county has been the healthiest county in South Carolina. We’ve made Beaufort the healthiest county in South Carolina by providing quality healthcare to those who are uninsured.

How does your work with BJHCHS support aging patients and their health needs?

In one of our centers, we’ve created a senior center which provides one of the most needed things for the elder community: a place where they can meet and socialize with other seniors.  It is connected to our St. Helena site, and the seniors there have access to our pharmacy, educational materials, and seminars providing much needed health education — and pre-COVID, we even provided some trips for them. They’re also provided transportation to the center since many no longer can drive themselves. They truly look forward to the gatherings — and as an added bonus, if they have a medical issue, the clinic is right next door.

What are one to three things that other leaders looking to advance health equity learn from BJHCHS, and your legacy as a whole?

To be a community health center, you have to really be engaged with the community. The community is made up of all people – you need to be able to reach the lowest person and raise them up. That’s my thing: translating the services we provide, so everyone can understand what’s available to them. The most effective tool has been the community health worker because they speak to the patient in a way that the patient understands. They also find out the little things that make it hard for patients to comply. We thought patients were non-compliant, but there are things we can do to help them to navigate the healthcare system and be successful with the treatments we prescribe. 

We found out our numbers went up quickly when the community health workers were involved. For me, the key to a good community health worker is their personality. They must have a desire to help, be accommodating enough to connect the dots for patients, and contain a certain level of compassion. As long as they possess these traits, we can train them in the medical terminology, then they can translate to the patient. 

Due to money, the community health workers were lost for some time. We got a grant to bring them back and it was like going back to the future — being able to make sure people don’t get left behind, just because they don’t fully understand the health system or their treatment. You can’t stop doing it once they get to a certain point because there’s always going to be someone who needs to be shepherded along. You don’t get to the point where you don’t have to do that anymore. You’re still going to have to do it because we will always have the poor we have among us, and we should always be willing to help them along.

That’s community health: it’s not somebody who went to medical school, not a nursing aid, but it’s somebody from the community that is willing to help, and we train them in some of the things medically to help the patient reach the goals that we set for them in the practice.

Affordability is another thing that makes us successful. If  you can’t afford care, how are you going to get it? Healthcare needs to be made affordable because some people have to buy groceries first, pay the light bill next, and then healthcare is further down the line.

NationSwell: As a lifelong health care professional, what has been your guiding philosophy, your principles, or your core values that you center in the work?

I want to make sure people know I care. No matter what you’re doing or who you’re helping, they will respond better and they’ll be more  willing to do what you ask them to do if they know you care. Sometimes they can’t do what you want them to do because they can’t afford it or they just don’t understand. Making sure that people know that you care for them — that is my guiding force and I try to treat everyone the same regardless of their ability to pay for it. That was another good thing about community health centers that drew me to it: they treat anybody regardless of their ability to pay.

Learnings from NationSwell’s event on immigration with Ali Noorani

We often hear that the United States is a “nation of immigrants,” but this notion doesn’t reflect the realities of either our national discourse or federal immigration policy.

In his new book, “Crossing Borders: The Reconciliation of a Nation of Immigrants,” Ali Noorani, president and CEO of the National Immigration Forum, explores the recent history and current landscape of U.S. immigration policy through the stories of immigrants themselves.

In a recent Council event with NationSwell, Ali joined us to discuss his book, the rise of certain anti-immigration narratives — particularly on the far-right — what can be done to change these narratives, and what steps must be taken on a federal and local policy level to truly make it possible for immigrants and refugees to flourish.

Here are some of the key takeaways from the event.

Change is most effective when it comes from within

It’s extremely difficult to change somebody’s social and political views as an outsider. This can be especially true of issues, such as immigration, that large media companies like Fox News have a vested interest in shaping. But there are groups of conservatives who have broken from the narratives around immigration that are being pushed, and they have the best chance of affecting change in their own circles.

This is not to say that liberals and progressives are powerless to move the needle. The key, however, is for them to focus their energy on smaller scale outreach, as fact checking and scolding far-right media narratives has little practical effect.

We must make an effort to understand the fears of those who hold anti-immigrant views

Those who oppose immigration typically have a common set of fears: Culture, security, and economy. However wrongheaded or inaccurate these fears may be, if an attempt isn’t made to understand them, then the work of changing the minds of those who hold them becomes exponentially more difficult. When people feel their concerns are being dismissed outright, they are much less likely to want to be part of a dialogue.

What can we take away from the situation in Ukraine?

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has resulted in one of the largest and fastest mass migrations since World War II. Attitudes towards Ukrainians fleeing their country are generally positive, but rather than dwell on the disparity between how they are looked upon favorably while, for example, Central and South American migrants have often been demonized, we should use this opportunity to reshape our national immigration policy. The United States can use both the war in Ukraine and the recent influx of Afghan refugees to make permanent changes to its immigration policy and restore its gutted resettlement infrastructure.

What are some steps that still need to be taken to help immigrants and their children succeed in the U.S.?

Education is a key tool in this effort. Our schools must do better at even the basics of teaching about immigration so that non-immigrant students can better understand what their classmates or possibly classmates’ parents have gone through. Educators must also be provided with access to professional development so that they can better teach immigrant students. Immigrant families must also be provided with the basic infrastructure to succeed in the U.S. economy, such as access to the naturalization process through their employers, English classes if needed, and assistance obtaining necessary licenses to open businesses.

The NationSwell Council community brings together a diverse, curated community of bold individuals and organizations leading the way in social, economic, and environmental problem-solving. Learn more about the Council here.

Learnings from NationSwell’s Strategic Advisory Session for ‘Make Us Visible’

The last several years of social and political upheaval have been met with an explosion of grassroots fundraising and activism. As communities, leaders, and activists rise to meet the challenges of our rapidly changing social fabric with newly formed nonprofits, they often run into barriers to expansion, and their charitable or activist efforts become kneecapped.

The issues these organizations face can be logistical, as rapid expansion requires an increase in staff and funding that may not be readily available, and institutional, such as clashes with older and more established support systems. One such organization is Make Us Visible, co-founded by Council member Mike Keo.

Make Us Visible seeks to have AAPI history included in K-12 curricula across the country. They have seen rapid success, with bills being passed in Connecticut and New Jersey and others being considered in New York, Florida and Rhode Island. Make Us Visible currently has chapters in 10 states, and has received requests to open chapters in several other states just in the last month. But with this success come questions of scale, and how to best go about expanding at such a rapid pace.

To answer these questions, NationSwell convened a group of experts from the nonprofit, business, finance and activism sectors to help create a roadmap that Make Us VIsible and other new organizations can follow to ensure success as they build out their operations. 

Here are some of the key takeaways from the discussion:

Flesh out your longer term institutional goals:

While pursuing your organization’s stated goal, it is beneficial to devise a plan for what the organization itself should look like and be doing within the next three to five years. Bringing on a consultant to go over your staffing, fundraising, and structural plans is a relatively quick way to achieve this goal and prevent your organization from having to come up with staffing and leadership solutions on the fly.

Decide early on how to financially structure your organization:

There are numerous financial structures available to new organizations. Registering as a 501c3 or securing a fiscal sponsorship are two of the most common. There are advantages and disadvantages to both arrangements, but it is important to make a decision early on to help facilitate funding and avoid liability issues resulting from improper donations. If looking for a fiscal sponsor, be sure to find one that is aligned with your organization’s goals, as problems can arise when they are not. 

Try to secure cash early:

Money can solve a lot of problems, especially for a fledgling organization. It’s always beneficial to have some cash on hand, rather than be constantly chasing donations at the start. In a situation where an organization is not capable of accepting donations, it’s important to maintain relationships with entities that have offered gifts or financial investments. If possible, secure pledges for donations in writing, so that when the organization reaches a point where it can accept these gifts, the offers are still there.

Create a clear organizational structure that can be copied across multiple chapters:

As an organization grows, it’s critical to have an operating structure that is clear and can be implemented across the board as new chapters form. Create a clear hierarchy and communication structure between local chapters and national leadership so that there are no surprises on either end. It is also important to be clear up front about what your organization does and does not do, to avoid a situation where a new chapter forms and the local leadership pursues goals that are not in line with the overall organization’s.

Be patient:

It’s important to remember that this can be a trying and difficult process. Rapid expansion can bring unanticipated consequences like burnt out colleagues and volunteers and ruined friendships. This is especially true in the current moment, as we slowly emerge from the pandemic with the wright of the past two years still firmly on our shoulders. Leaders of these organizations should do their best to mitigate these negative aspects, while understanding that the road will inevitably get rough.

The NationSwell Council community brings together a diverse, curated community of bold individuals and organizations leading the way in social, economic, and environmental problem-solving. Learn more about the Council here.

The NationSwell Mainstage: Women of color redefining power in corporate America

Far too often, women and people of color find themselves in the familiar position of glancing around the boardroom or C-suite to notice that they are vastly outnumbered. But that phenomenon is even more prevalent at the intersection of the two groups, with women of color finding themselves to be “the first, the few, and the only,” with concerning regularity.

Despite comprising one of the fastest growing segments in the modern workforce, research shows that women of color still only account for roughly 4% of corporate leadership — a statistic that can lend itself to a host of unpleasant side-effects, including imposter syndrome, perfectionism, and a propensity to overcommit to mentoring opportunities in the hopes of eventually elevating other women into similar positions.

NationSwell recently hosted a Mainstage Event — hosted by president, Uyen Tieu and moderated by Deepa Purushothaman, the first woman of color partner at Deloitte, and Vernā Myers, VP of Inclusion Strategy at Netflix — that was designed with the express intention of examining some of the historic obstacles woman of color have faced in the workplace and unpacking some of the most promising strategies for reclaiming their power and pushing back against predominantly white corporate cultures.

The event marked a great jumping off point for some key learnings about what we can continue to do to foster cultures of inclusion in our work lives and redefine power in corporate America. Here are some of the most important things we learned:

When it comes to choosing a workplace that will value them and their work, women of color can afford to be discerning. Because their professional experience and perspective is in high demand right now, women of color can afford to take the time to shop around for the role that will allow them to do their best work and appreciate their talents — even if it means dispatching with the old wisdom about “just being grateful” for an old job that’s coming up short on both fronts.

Asking the hard questions up front can save you time and grief in the long run. Finding the right role can involve a lot of courage, particularly when it requires going against the grain to suss out potential pain points early on. Purushothaman advised that asking key questions like, “What are you experiencing?” “Do you feel safe?” and “Are you being paid what you deserve?” can help women of color to do a gut check about the treatment they’re receiving — and if something doesn’t feel right, it’s not right.

George Floyd’s murder provided a critical catalyst for discussions of race in the workplace. Along with conversations about the role of work in our lives instigated by the Covid-19 pandemic, George Floyd’s murder also helped to catalyze a new movement to examine the role race plays at work, and provided a pathway towards understanding what work still needs to be done. “It’s really important for us to recognize that where we are today is a collective movement that’s been happening for a very long time, with so many people making sacrifices,” Myers said. “Things are changing all the time, just not as quickly as we want them to, but it’s important to remember what got us here. We still need people mentoring, pushing, because it’s not guaranteed. We need people to stay super focused, because there’s usually a backlash.”

Women of color still need to do work to examine their own inherent biases. If we can hope to create a true culture of compassion, it’s critical that women of color are also reflexively engaging in work to examine their own biases. According to Myers, one way to do this is to recognize hegemony and hierarchies where they exist, even among groups of women of color. Recognizing the fact that we all have multiple identities will help us to be more aware of where our biases exist so that we can support more women more often.

Companies are trying in earnest to get DEIA initiatives right — but still falling short. Per research by Deepa, 97% of women we interviewed who were interviewed last fall said DEI initiatives weren’t working at their companies. Although there are currently observable trends that show companies weighing diversity initiatives more heavily as part of their cultural DNA, it’s also evident that many of them still haven’t grasped just how much work there is to be done — and have resorted to lazy tactics like copying other companies or trying to reach diversity percentages as if they’re “checking boxes” rather than advocating for real structural shifts.

The NationSwell Mainstage is the premier convening for change makers of all stripes to learn clear, actionable ways that anyone can be a key part of solving the nation’s most urgent problems. Learn more about the NationSwell community here.

Learnings from NationSwell’s ‘Break the Bias’ event on menopause and perimenopause at work

According to the Harvard Business Review, menopause generally occurs when people with ovaries are between 45 and 55 years old — right around the time in their careers when they’re most likely to be moving into a more senior leadership role. But despite the fact that it affects such a large portion of the American workforce at such a critical moment in their careers, frank and unnecessary discussions about menopause are still taboo in the workplace; and when those discussions do happen, they carry the inherent risk of exacerbating existing sexist and agist stereotypes about women at work.

In honor of National Women’s Health Week, NationSwell’s Gender Equity Group, in collaboration with Beth Bengtson, CEO of Working for Women, Ann Garnier, CEO of Lisa Health, Senior Vice President of AARP, Kamili Wilson, and Dr. Stephanie Fabioun, Medical Director of The North American Menopause Society and physician at the Mayo Clinic’s Women’s Health Center, convened for a panel discussion on what needs to be done to ensure that the physical and mental effects of menopause and perimenopause are being adequately addressed in the workplace.

Here are some of the key learnings from the event:

Digital technologies is a promising tool when it comes to addressing gaps in care

In just the last couple of years, new technologies — including AI, machine learning, wearables, and telehealth resources — have sprouted up as enticing options for making healthcare more accessible to more people. These new technologies have particular promise for their ability to give women experiencing menopause a highly unique and personalized view of their health, which many say is lacking in their relationships with their primary care physicians.

The case for increased support for professional women experiencing menopause has to be made from an economic perspective.

Research supports the idea that when women are hit hard by menopause, they experience increased rates of absenteeism and are hit harder on productivity. In demanding that their workplaces offer benefits parity and reimbursement models that offer affordable access, women will need to frame the possibility of not getting these things as an economic issue — one that will affect companies’ bottom lines if it leads to women abandoning the workforce in droves.

Women and allies will necessarily have to advocate for increased support at the federal level.

The United Kingdom and other countries provide positive models of the types of public-private partnerships that are needed in order to ensure that women experiencing menopause get the support they need. While lobbying for benefits parity and compassionate office policies is crucial, those lobbying efforts will also need to extend to the federal government if women can hope for wide-ranging policy shifts to the current healthcare model.

Critical gaps in education exist for both healthcare providers and women experiencing menopause

A decades-long lack of resources and training during residency programs has made it so that healthcare providers are sometimes ill-equipped to deal with women experiencing menopause symptoms — creating a frustrating lack of education and awareness that affects patients. Just as technology offers promise in increasing accessibility to health care, it also holds the potential to create new pathways for women to access compassionate and informed professionals who specialize in treating the symptoms of menopause.

Treatment options outside of hormonal therapy need to be part of the conversation.

There are a host of treatment options that can be used to address the symptoms of menopause and perimenopause, and not all of them are medication-based. While hormonal therapy is one of the most commonly recommended treatment options, not all women are eligible, increasing the importance of science-backed, non-medical alternatives like cognitive behavioral therapy, healthy lifestyle changes, hypnosis, and more.

The NationSwell Council community brings together a diverse, curated community of bold individuals and organizations leading the way in social, economic, and environmental problem-solving. Learn more about the Council here.

Why older workers should be part of your company’s DEI strategy

According to an AARP report, more than 78% of older workers have seen or directly experienced age discrimination in the workplace. On top of that, 64% of workers 50 years of age and older believe employers see their age as a disadvantage in getting hired, and 79% of those 65 and older feel their age hurts their chances to get the job.

Age bias makes it difficult for older workers to make headway in the labor market. Such attitudes make little economic sense given the strong business case for hiring and retaining older workers. Knowledge and expertise — the main predictors of job performance — increase in perpetuity the longer one works, advantaging older workers who are more likely to have spent more years working than their younger counterparts. They frequently outperform their younger counterparts on many other key metrics of worker success, such as less absenteeism, less turnover, and stronger interpersonal skills.

Besides being strong individual contributors, older adults bring cognitive diversity to their teams, which increases organizational performance.  One study found that the relative productivity of both older and younger workers is higher in companies that utilize mixed-age work teams. Another found that age diversity within a team was positively related to performance for groups involved in complex decision-making tasks. Age diversity within a company can also lower employee turnover. 

For companies convinced that age must be included as a dimension of their overall DEI strategy, there are several steps they can take to increase age diversity within their workforce.

Offer “returnships”

Returnships are full-time paid internships for adults who have been out of the workforce for several years or more. People who are returning to the workforce might have retired and now want or need to return to work to restart or change careers.  Perhaps they have taken time off to care for an elderly parent or raise a family. Returnships help people get back to paid work, all while giving employers a chance to diversify their workforce so that it looks more like the communities their organizations are serving.

Partner with organizations that can help recruit talent across all ages

To achieve an age diverse workforce, a company must put generational diversity at the core of its equity strategies and goaling. Partnering with organizations that help older adults acquire the skills they need to get hired in today’s labor market is one way to supercharge an organization’s efforts to achieve an age diverse workforce.  Such partnerships can provide ready access to a talent pool of older workers.    

AARP Foundation has several workforce programs that give older, low-income adults the job skills and confidence they need to succeed in today’s workplace. AARP Foundation’s new $10 million grant from will help fund the Digital Skills Ready@50+ initiative to train vulnerable older adults — especially women and people of color in underserved communities — in the digital skills they need to succeed in today’s tech-focused workplace, so they are job-ready when companies need workers. 

Partnering with organizations like AARP Foundation can provide companies seeking older adult workers with a pipeline of candidates to consider, greatly enlarging their recruiting pool.

Provide incentives to help workers remain on the job longer

There are a variety of incentives companies can provide to help older workers stay on the job longer. Some older workers may wish to phase into retirement rather than leave the workplace abruptly, or they may want to retrain for a new challenge.  Providing flexible work schedules, sabbaticals, or caregiving options can make staying in the workplace longer more appealing.  Other employers have found that allowing full-time workers to shift to part-time, but still investing in their benefits, has provided those workers with extra incentive to postpone retirement.

Remove age limits on apprenticeship programs

Apprenticeships are a key part of employee development at some companies and there can be age limits on who is eligible to apply.  One way to develop an age-inclusive workforce is to remove all age limits from such programs. From there, organizations should not only encourage older applicants to apply for these programs, but recruit them in order to continually invest in developing their skills.

By following these strategies, companies and organizations can reap the many benefits of an age-diverse, multigenerational workforce and help fill job openings that have gone wanting far too long in the current economy.

Learnings from NationSwell’s event on the invisible tax

Although it most frequently impacts people of color, and Black people in particular, an invisible tax can be “paid” based on any race, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, or intersection of those identities that deviates from the white, cishet norm.

Although the term was first coined by former US Education Secretary John King Jr. to describe the additional strain that school systems place on African American teachers, the phrase has since expanded to include the disproportionate emotional and mental weight carried by marginalized members of any workforce. Unsurprisingly, the toll exacted by the invisible tax often leads to employee burnout.

During a NationSwell Council hybrid workshop moderated by Jaylan Fisher (co-founder, Black In HR Indy), Dr. Warren Dukes (vice president of Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion, United Way of Central Indiana), Angel Henry (author and founder of AngelSpeaking), Amber Fields (chief culture officer, TrueU), and Rico Francis (Pacers Foundation Social Impact Director), and hosted by TJ Wright (principal & chief executive officer of Whelhaus Co.), participants reflected on the ways the invisible tax might show up in their own workplaces — and how to better identify implicit, biased behaviors in themselves and others.

Here are some key takeaways from the event:

Employers need to recognize — and pay — employees for the time they spend working to improve a company’s DEI metrics

Although companies are getting savvier when it comes to identifying the hallmarks of an invisible tax, including by establishing identity-based affinity groups for employees, leaders are too often oblivious to the extra work these groups can create for their members. Doing support work, putting together agendas, and running the show in general are all forms of labor, and team members who go the extra mile to build and strengthen coalitions should be compensated for their time accordingly.

Know your limits and establish firm boundaries

Knowing when to walk away — and when a company is not supporting your experience in the workplace — can be a vital skill when dealing with an invisible tax. Having your boundaries frequently crossed or challenged, whether it’s through insensitive comments, unfair expectations, or unacknowledged work, is unacceptable, and sometimes the best thing to do is to leave a dangerous or toxic environment.

Normalizing mental health discussions and education in the workplace is a critical step

Having brave and vulnerable conversations is key to creating psychological safety in the workplace and establishing greater understanding of how identity impacts how people show up to do their jobs. By normalizing frank conversations around mental health, employers can in turn create a safe and inclusive workspace where team members trust that their experiences and struggles will be seen and understood.

Call out the invisible tax when you spot it

Sometimes the best strategy for dealing with unfair treatment is to initiate tough and frank conversations about where and how an invisible tax is showing up. Such conversations are also a great opportunity for white, cisgender and heteronormative colleagues to step up and advocate for their colleagues, who shouldn’t be expected to bear the burden of always blowing the whistle on bad policies or behaviors.

If your company isn’t attracting diverse talent organically, there might be good reason to be suspicious

The absence of diverse applicants in a company’s hiring pipeline is often a good sign that the company in question isn’t doing enough to attract or retain diverse talent. Common sins of companies struggling to champion inclusivity are the absence of diverse representation in leadership; soliciting thought partnership without reward, recognition or follow through; and using language that contradicts the actual policies in place (i.e., saying “we support moms” while simultaneously offering inadequate parental leave).

Normalize not expecting people of color to “react” to violent news cycles that white team members might have the privilege to ignore

Not only should marginalized employees not be asked to serve as “spokespersons” on their respective cultures, but they also shouldn’t be expected to react to violent or traumatizing news cycles involving members of the group(s) they identify with. Asking coworkers of color “how they’re doing” during a tough news cycle might seem well-intentioned, but the implication is that the emotional burden is theirs to bear — yet another form of emotional labor that non-minority employees are exempt from.

The NationSwell Council community brings together a diverse, curated community of bold individuals and organizations leading the way in social, economic, and environmental problem-solving. Learn more about the Council here.

Learnings from NationSwell’s ‘Break the Bias’ event on fair and inclusive workplaces

The gender wage gap has not been closed; women, people of color, and LGBTQ+ employees are still underrepresented in leadership roles; and many workplaces still adhere to outdated policies that can stifle the freedom, creativity, and productivity of a diverse workforce.

In a conversation hosted by the NationSwell Council community, three women leaders in the media industry explored what it means to build a fair, equitable, and just workplace, what steps businesses should be taking to foster inclusiveness and bring equity to the forefront of every decision, and how business leaders should think about their role in advancing gender justice in the workplace.

Here are some of the key learnings from the event.

We must be able to define what it truly means to be a fair and inclusive workspace

Creating such a workplace cannot be achieved if we lack a basic understanding of what the ultimate goal truly is. Fair and inclusive does not stop at merely having a diverse workforce. It’s not enough to simply have women, people of color, and LGBTQ+ employees and leaders. These groups and individuals must also be put in a position where they can be elevated, both in terms of advancement in the workplace and in having their voices and concerns heard and taken seriously.

It starts with diverse hiring

Of course, the first step is to hire more women, more people of color, and more members of the LGBTQ+ community. But that is truly just the first step. Research has shown that bias against women can still persist even in workspaces that are majority women, so issues of inequity will not suddenly disappear when some specific diversity ratio is achieved.

Take stock of your own communications

Companies should look at both their internal and outward facing communications to assess whose voices are usually featured. If, for example, a company’s website is filled with images of mostly white men, this could deter diverse candidates from applying for or accepting a job. Similarly, if internal comms are always led by white cishet men, other employees may feel alienated in the workplace.

Workers should feel comfortable in their own skin

Employees must feel their workplace is a safe space where they are free to be themselves. This includes respecting people’s identity — ie, using a person’s preferred pronouns and name — making sure all employees have equitable access to the health care they require, and making sure that they are not being harassed in any way by colleagues or clients. 

Free and open communication is a must

The culture of a workplace cannot change if people do not feel empowered to address their problems or concerns. One way to foster this type of communication is through employee surveys, but surveys can have issues as well. A survey could be written in a biased manner and can also flatten the experience of individuals by putting employees into groups. So managers must be able to have open and direct communication with individuals so that they can speak about their specific experiences and concerns.

The NationSwell Council community brings together a diverse, curated community of bold individuals and organizations leading the way in social, economic, and environmental problem-solving. Learn more about the Council here.

Truth and reconciliation could provide a pathway towards healing American race relations

In the summer of 2020, America found itself in the throes of a full-blown racial reckoning. 

The product of the longstanding history of violence and police killings that the Black community has been disproportionately subjected to, the tensions crescendoed with the murder of the unarmed Minnesota man George Floyd in May. Over the course of the weeks that followed, outraged Americans flocked to the streets around the country to demand accountability and a national acknowledgment of the need for racial justice. The resultant protests were the most widely-attended in U.S. history, with as many as 26 million people estimated to have attended.

But nearly two years later, though the city-wide standoffs with police that once dotted the country have dissipated, many of the questions they raised remain unanswered. How can a country with a history steeped in racism and violence ever hope to redress its sins and create a more safe and equitable social landscape? What will it take for America to heal?

For some, the answer lies in truth and reconciliation — the process by which persistent inequalities are addressed through careful fact-gathering and supervised dialogues that seek to establish an objective version of historical events. Proponents of truth and reconciliation processes believe that confronting and reckoning with the past is necessary in order for successful transitions from conflict and resentment to peace and connectedness to occur. In bringing difficult issues into the light, truth and reconciliation commissions seek to provide a pathway towards healing, usually by rooting out solutions and establishing a set of concrete steps towards rectifying past injustices. 

In most cases, these commissions are often established as a way for members of dominant and marginalized communities  to come together to publicly acknowledge instances of conflict and pain. They’ve famously been assembled to dissect the legacy of Apartheid in South Africa, and to assess the human rights violations that occurred during Augusto Pinochet’s dictatorial rule of Chile.

In the United States, activists and community organizers have led the calls for the establishment of formalized, government-sponsored truth and reconciliation commissions to examine America’s racialized history of violence and oppression — hopefully catalyzing individuals and organizations alike to the realization of the specific ways they may benefit from the legacy of chattel slavery, segregation, and police violence. But even without formal government backing, there are grassroots groups working tirelessly across America to achieve the goals of truth and reconciliation on a smaller scale, taking a similar model and infusing it with compassion and empathy in the hopes of repairing community fractures and fostering peace at the local level. 

One such group is Heal America, an organization that began in earnest in Dallas in 2016 after an explosion of anguished protest in response to the police killings of two black men, Alton Sterling and Philando Castile, threatened to plunge the city into chaos. Much like the 2020 protests that resulted from the murder of George Floyd, Sterling and Castile’s deaths were the impetus for widescale national demonstrations in cities across the U.S. During the protests in Dallas, a lone gunman opened fire on a line of police officers, killing five and injuring 11 others. With conditions in the city threatening to devolve into a full-blown insurrection, local police tapped Bishop Omar Jahwar — a longtime gang interventionist and community leader — to lead the community towards healing. 

Jahwar — who died in 2021 after contracting COVID-19 — understood innately that the first step towards brokering peace during a conflict must necessarily include an acknowledgement of the pain being felt on both sides. He invited the grieving loved ones of Alton Sterling to speak onstage at a restaurant on Dallas’s south side, followed by the widows of two of the slain Dallas police officers. The civil rights activists, victims of violence, members of law enforcement and public leaders in attendance all watched as the family members embraced after finding mutual understanding in each other’s pain. 

That single event was such a success that Heal America was founded around it in order to further its mission, propped up by the belief that people are not only capable of difficult conversations, but that they can find strength — rather than division — in their differences. In the years that followed, Heal America went national, and has hosted events in cities like Dallas, Atlanta, Jackson, Missississippi, and Los Angeles. 

In each city, the movement convenes dedicated local individuals who wield the principles of love and redemption in an effort to address injustice, and then works to support those changemakers by providing funding, networking and storytelling opportunities, and other avenues to bolster healing.

During a recent Heal America tour stop in Pittsburgh, for example, Leon Ford — a 19-year-old who was shot in the back five times by a police officer, leaving him paralyzed from the waist down — convened non-profit leaders, community influencers, the mayor, and local law enforcement for a frank and inspiring conversation about how to shift the city away from focusing on racial divisions and towards collaborations that would tackle some of its most pressing racial injustices head-on.

Rather than turning inwards, focusing on anger and bitterness, Ford focused his energy on fostering constructive engagement — a perfect encapsulation of the Heal America model, and an example of the power modern grassroots truth and reconciliation models hold in shaping communities.

Branden Polk, the director of strategic partnerships at Heal America, told NationSwell that the movement is growing at a pivotal moment for America — one in which many people are feeling fatigued and hopeless by our seemingly deepening political and social divides.

“More than two out of every three Americans recognize racism remains a problem today, but in a climate of increasing polarization and declining social trust, it’s difficult for many people to see a way forward,” he said. “The extremes perpetuate a false choice that we must either deny our country and its values or deny the racial injustices that persist. It’s not the dominant view. But it’s the loudest one.”

The American definition of “justice” is a warped one, focused more on ideas about punitive systems and vengeance than it is on ideas about restoration and healing. But Heal America — and the truth and reconciliation process more broadly — is focused exactly on the place where solutions can help to foment real community change and relief.

“Polarization is rising. Americans’ trust in each other is falling. And it’s making it hard for people to come together on many issues, especially the difficult ones,” Polk said. “Heal America is helping people to come together — offering a way to address racial injustice by focusing on solutions and creating the space for diverse perspectives.”

An overdue shift in the modern workplace

NationSwell had the opportunity to interview Kane-Williams about why this moment is so pivotal for organizations striving towards equity and justice

Anthony Smith, VP of Published Content and Growth, NationSwell: Does the modern workplace have a generational equity problem?

Edna Kane-Williams, EVP and Chief Diversity Officer, AARP: There is a shift going on in the modern workplace, but I hate to label it as a problem — it is an opportunity. For the first time in history, we now have a five-generation workplace. We have our traditionalists or folks commonly known as the Silent Generation who were born in the ’40s, we have Baby Boomers who were born in the ’50s and early ’60s, we have generation X, we have Millennials, and we have Generation Z. A five-generation workplace can present challenges to employers and organizations, because it is a new phenomenon. Something new suggests the need for trainings, solutions, and approaches that workplaces have not used in the past.

NationSwell: What are some numbers, case studies, or examples that spell out that opportunity?

Kane-Williams: We learned in a survey conducted by the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) that AARP participated in that 53% of employers do not include age as a factor in their diversity and inclusion policies. When thinking about diversity, equity, and inclusion, employers tend to focus on race, ethnicity, gender orientation, gender selection, sexual orientation, disability, and ability status, but they do not include age, even though 70% of the executives surveyed favored taking steps to promote unbiased recruitment practices. And when we talk about unbiased recruitment practices, certainly at AARP, we are focused on the older worker, but when you talk to Gen Z workers, they also face age-related challenges in the workplace. Two out of three executives surveyed said they would purposely design mixed-aged teams to leverage the advantages of both younger and older employees. 

People used to retire at 60, 62, 65 years old, but now they are working longer, both out of choice and because people live longer. This is especially true for folks who are less privileged and from marginalized populations — Black and Brown folks, in particular — because many of them do not have a choice about retirement because they do not have the retirement savings accounts and safety nets in place that they need. With us living longer — into our 80s, 90s, in some cases, 100s — many people cannot afford to leave the workforce at 65 years old and have a 35-year retirement. Meaning 35 years of no income, no wages. So, as workers age, we need to make sure they can fully participate in the workplace. Across the board, we have to make sure all workers feel the workplace accommodates their needs, regardless of their age.

NationSwell: What are some concrete steps that organizational leaders can take to make sure that this unprecedented five-generation workplace is inclusive for every type of worker — old, young, and in between?

Kane-Williams: Training. I do not think we can assume people are going to come to the table with the skills they need. For both managers and team members, we need special trainings to ensure we are accommodating to people of all ages so they can thrive in a five-generation workplace. To do this, we can take some cues from the diversity, equity, and inclusion process. For example, microaggressions — you hear that term often in trainings and it typically applies to situations that involve race and ethnicity — there are microaggressions around age, as well. I’m the mother of three millennials, and if you talk to them, they feel like millennials encounter microaggressions around their age all the time in the workplace. People from other generations will say millennials are entitled and they do not want to work hard and find an easy way out. My children are offended by these generalizations and comments.

Older populations, people in my age range, also face stereotypes such as, not understanding technology, not on social media, and slow to adapt to change. All those beliefs are mired, whether you are younger or older, in stereotypes that have no business in the workplace. So the biggest thing employers need to invest in for a five-generation workplace is: One, trainings and two, protections — as we say in the Living, Learning and Earning Longer (LLEL) initiative, everyone ages so workplaces need to make sure people can be reskilled and upskilled. 

NationSwell: How are workplaces getting age inclusion right?

Kane-Williams: The World Economic Forum, OECD, and AARP have partnered together for the LLEL initiative. Through LLEL, we have found the tremendous benefits of a multigenerational workforce as it strengthens companies’ resilience, increases productivity and GDP, and opens the doors for new markets and creativity. We also learned that a multigenerational workforce will raise capita by 19% over the next 3 decades speaking to the benefits of having Generation Z through the Silent Generation working side-by-side. 

Over 50% of companies surveyed by OECD did not include age in their DEI statements. For workplaces to get age inclusion right they should: include age in their DEI policies, use trainings and mentorship opportunities to ensure people understand each other’s strengths and challenges, and provide upskilling and reskilling opportunities for their workers.

NationSwell: What is your call to action for the people who will read this profile and see this conversation about all of the opportunities the five-generation workplace has to offer?

Kane-Williams: One call to action I already alluded to is to provide work opportunities for people to remain and grow on the job. Another is to ensure individuals remain employable throughout their lives through continued education and training. Third, is to enforce policies that prevent age discrimination and adopt age-inclusive policies. More and more companies are embracing diversity, equity, and inclusion; we need to ensure that age is a part of the DEI spectrum that companies’ policies address. Those are three key areas that AARP focuses on when we talk about creating opportunities for all five generations to work together and to grow together in the workplace. 

NationSwell: Is there anything else that I didn’t ask you about that you’d like to talk about?

Kane-Williams: At AARP, we focus on people ages 50 and older and often add “and their families” because we are committed to preventing age discrimination and preventing age stereotypes for all generations. We do not want generations competing with each other or over resources. Rather, AARP wants to take advantage of the extreme shifts we are experiencing in workplaces and workforces, the great resignation, and the great reshuffle and what the pandemic has meant in terms of working.

There is something extraordinary going on right now with intergenerational workforces and the workplace environment that we do not have a complete handle on yet, and it will compel all age groups and all interests to work collaboratively. It sounds ambitious but at AARP we want to lead the way on how five-generation workplaces can thrive.

Presented in partnership with AARP, a NationSwell Institutional Member.