A song can do a lot more than just raise spirits; it can raise cash too. The suburban community of Longmont in Northern Colorado is still recovering from devastating floods that swept through in September. But some much-needed help is now on the way, thanks to the musical creativity of OUR Center, an area nonprofit that provides emergency services to local residents in need. Organizers from the center, along with members of the St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church, wanted to try something different to solicit donations for its ongoing relief efforts. So, on a sunny day in December, the group staged a surprise flash mob in a local grocery store, Lucky’s Market, with participants all singing “Help” by the Beatles. The sing-along included the church choir, singers from the Rocky Mountain Center for Music Arts and even the Silver Creek High School drum line. “It was just a creative way to help [the OUR Center] reach new donors and build awareness and gather what they really need — cash,” Phil Caragol, one of the flash mob organizers, told the Longmont Times-Call. Local filmmaker Payton Pearson was on hand to capture the whole thing on video, which you can watch above. So far, the singing spectacle seems to have worked wonders. The OUR Center reports that $10,000 in donations can be traced directly to the video, while more than $30,000 has been donated in less than a month — a drastic increase from the same time last year. That’s a whole lot of “help” for a community that needs it.
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Watch the One Incredible Spontaneous Act That Helped a Colorado Community in Need
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