Beer is the nation’s alcoholic beverage of choice. But after knocking a few back, it’s easy to forget that a six-pack’s resource-intensive production can lead to a nasty hangover for the environment. Barley is often trucked from miles away, and electricity surges are needed to heat and cool huge tanks of water.
No need to despair (or drink away your sorrow). You can order the next round from any of these five American breweries that emphasize being eco-friendly. Bottoms up!
If those aren’t enough breweries to get you tipsy, check out these other beer-makers who have signed the Climate Declaration, demanding legislators to take action on climate change: Allagash Brewing Co. (Maine), Deschutes Brewery (Ore.), Kona Brewing Co. (Hawaii), Ninkasi Brewing Co. (Ore.), Odell Brewing (Colo.), Redhook Brewery (Wash.) and Smuttynose Brewing Co. (N.H.).
(Homepage image: Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)