Statistics show that Americans liveĀ further from farms than ever before. The latest census found that 80.7 percent of the population lives in urban areas, which means that most food has to travel to get to our plates. But what if we brought farms closer to people?
In the new documentary “Growing Cities,” Omaha filmmakers Dan Susman and Andrew Monbouquette found city-dwelling farmers who are growing food in bustling hubs like New York City, San Francisco and Chicago. These urban farmers are feeding their communities with nutritious fruits and vegetables grown on windowsills or rooftops. Basically, their mantra is, Got land? Will farm.
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This doc teaches us several lessons about urban agriculture — it’s a solution that literally greens our cities; it brings us fresh, in-season food as locally as possible; it’s giving city dwellers the nutrition they need. Also, as an urban farmer puts it the film’s trailer above, it’s connecting our cities back to the farm: “There’s a great importance in making sure the next generation has the tools they need to feed themselves.”
The documentary has received accolades from film festivals and is currently screening in several cities. Find out how to host a screening in a city near you. Maybe you’ll be inspired to join the urban farming movement, too.
From Windowsills to Rooftops, Check Out the Rise of Urban Farming
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